Certifications and Approvals
Here you will find certifications and approvals held by Saab globally and the Business Areas/Operational Countries
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Group
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Group - Cyber Essentials PLUS
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Corporate
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Corporate - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Corporate - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Corporate - ISO 45001:2018
Saab IT Data Center - ISO 27001:2013
Certifications and Approvals held by Aeronautics
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Aeronautics - EN 9100:2018, ISO 9001:2015
Aeronautics - NADCAP NonDestructive Testing (Penetrant)
Aeronautics - NADCAP Heat Treatment
Aeronautics - NADCAP NonDestructive Testing (Ultrasonic)
Aeronautics - NADCAP Composites
Aeronautics - NADCAP Chemical Processing
Aeronautics - NADCAP Aero Structure Assembly
Accredited Inspection Body Type C ISO 17020 - Pressure test
Aeronautics - Saab Brasil LTDA - AS 9100:2016, ISO 9001:2015
AS 9100:2016, ISO 9001:2015
Aeronautics - Saab Brasil LTDA - ISO 14001:2015
Design Organisation Approval, DOA
SE-EMAR 21J - SE.EMAR.21J.013 Linköping
SE-EMAR 21J - SE.EMAR.21J.093 Linköping
SE-EMAR 21J - SE.EMAR.21J.071 Nyköping
EASA Part 21J - EASA.21J.066 Linköping
Saab AB EASA DOA 21J.066 EASA STC by type - Site Nyköping
Saab AB EASA DOA 21J.066 Minor Change Approvals by type - Site Nyköping
Production Organisation Approval, POA
SE-EMAR 21G - SE.EMAR.21G.072 Linköping - Nyköping
SE-EMAR 21G - SE.EMAR.21G.012 Linköping
SE.N-POA.0001 (AUB 282) Linköping
EASA Part 21G - SE.21G.0011 Linköping
Flight Operation
Air Operations FSI-096 (FFS 2019:10)
Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation, CAMO
SE-EMAR M - SE.EMAR.M.041 Nyköping
SE-EMAR M - SE.EMAR.M.095 Linköping
EASA Part CAMO - SE.CAMO.0005 Linköping/Nyköping
Maintenance Organisation Approval, MOA
SE-EMAR 145 - SE.EMAR.145.007 Malmen
SE-EMAR 145 - SE.EMAR.145.014 Linköping
SE-EMAR 145 - SE.EMAR.145.011 Malmslätt/Arboga
EASA Part 145 - SE.145.0002 Malmslätt/Arboga
EASA Part 145 - SE.145.0017 Nyköping
FAA Part 145 - AY5Y744M Malmslätt/Arboga
TCCA Part 145 - 879-19 Malmslätt/Arboga
UK Part 145 - 01795 Malmslätt/Arboga
Signed Questionnaire for MRO operations Malmslätt/Arboga
Maintenance Training Organisation Approval, MTOA
SE-EMAR 147 - SE.EMAR.147.075 Linköping/Ljungbyhed
EASA Part 147 - SE.147.0005 Linköping
Air Navigation Services, ANS
TSFS 2016:18 § 5 – Flight Calibration Organisation (FCO)
Certifications and Approvals held by Dynamics
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Training and Simulation - TickITplus
FFV Ordnance AB - ISO 9001:2015
FFV Ordnance AB - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Barracuda - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Barracuda - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Barracuda - ISO 45001:2018
Saab Bofors Dynamics Switzerland - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Bofors Dynamics Switzerland - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Bofors Dynamics Switzerland - AQAP2110:2016
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 9001:2015 SWE
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 9001:2015 ENG
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 9001:2016 CZ
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 14001:2015 SWE
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 14001:2015 ENG
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. ČSN EN ISO 14001:2016 CZ
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. AQAP 2110/2210 CZ
Saab Dynamics Czech s.r.o. AQAP 2110/2210 ENG
Saab Tactical Electronics AB - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Tactical Electronics AB - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Tactical Electronics AB - ISO 45001:2018
Accredited Testing Laboratory ISO 17025 - EMC
Accredited Inspection Body Type C ISO 17020 - Pressure test
Certifications and Approvals held by Surveillance
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Surveillance - Digital Battlespace Solutions - PU Communications - ISO 27001:2013
Saab Grintek Defence (Pty) Ltd - EN 9100:2018
EASA Part 21G - SE.21G.0005 Huskvarna
EASA Part 145 - SE.145.0115 Huskvarna
FAA Part 145 - 6STY367B Huskvarna, including Ops Specs
UK CAA Part 145 – UK.145.01671
Safety and Security Solutions - ISO 9001:2015
Safety and Security Solutions - ISO 14001:2015
Safety and Security Solutions – SDATS – UK MAA AAOS
Safety and Security Solutions - Saab ATM AB - ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Safety and Security Solutions - TransponderTech - ISO 9001:2015
Safety and Security Solutions - TransponderTech - ISO 14001:2015
Safety and Security Solutions – Saab TransponderTech AB – EN 9100:2018
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Kockums
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Kockums AB - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Kockums AB - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Kockums AB - ISO 45001:2018
Saab Kockums AB - ISO 3834-2:2021
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Australia Pty.
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Australia Pty - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Australia Pty - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Australia Pty - ISO/IEC 27001:2013
Saab Australia Pty - ISO 45001:2018
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Inc. USA
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Inc. - ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab UK Ltd.
Third party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Seaeye Limited - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Seaeye Limited - ISO14001:2015
Saab Seaeye Limited - ISO 45001:2018
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Deutschland GmbH
Third Party certificates for the following standards:
Saab Deutschland GmbH - ISO 9001:2015
Saab Deutschland GmbH - ISO 14001:2015
Saab Deutschland GmbH - ISO 45001:2015
Certifications and Approvals held by Saab Airport
Third Party certificates for the following standards: